Image Filter Webapp


image filter webapp thumbnail

The Image Filter Webapp was my final project for Harvard's CS50x. Inspired by a previous assignment where I wrote image filters using C, I decided to make a web application where any user can upload an image and write code to filter it, without having to go through the process of figuring out how to open, write, and save an image. All users have to do is upload an image of their choice, and then they will be taken to a page where they can write code the interacts with the image's pixel values.


On the main page of the site, you can upload your own image. In the background, the app will check that it is a valid png file, and if so, it will save it to the server and redirect you to a page where you can start writing filter code.

There are a few examples of filters, e.g. grayscale, sepia tone, and sobel's edge detection, but ultimately the user is free to input write whatever they want. The language is my own custom make and is somewhat of a crossover of C and Python. It's not terribly well put together nor is it efficient, however I went with the choice to write a programming language for the experience more than anything else, and learned lots from it.

Once the user is satisfied with their code, they can go ahead and filter the image, where their code will be sent through my interpreter, and applied to the image, where from there the user will be redirected to a page containing their filtered image.